Birchwood Golf Club has a policy in place for both its 2-seater rental buggies and members and visitor single seater ride on buggies.
The Club has a duty of care to all users of the golf course. Birchwood has crossing of roads around certain areas of the course so caution, and prudence must be shown by the user of a ride-on buggy. It is also necessary for the Club to provide adequately safe means of access for all golfers including those given permission to use buggies. Moreover, the Club must ensure the safety of golfers who do not wish to use ride-on buggies but who might be at risk from a mechanically defective ride-on buggy or its careless use. This duty of care also applies to members of the public using the various rights of way.
To assist the safe employment of ride-on buggies all potential users (Members, visitors, and guests) shall comply with the following conditions:
* Ride-on buggies must be operated with the utmost courtesy, care and consideration for the safety and convenience of pedestrians. Pedestrians must be always afforded the right-of-way.
* The signs and instructions employed on the course to warn buggy riders of potential danger areas or, areas forbidden to ride-on buggies because of concerns about danger or, the potential to cause unacceptable wear and tear to the course, must be followed at all times.
* Ride-on buggies must be operated and parked in such a manner that they do not impede or interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular flow on roadways, ramps or pavements.
* Ride-on buggy operators will be responsible for the security of ignition keys for the period that the buggy is on the property owned by the Club.
* Birchwood Golf Club has no responsibility for ensuring the safe operation of ride-on buggies on or beyond the confines of the course and the club car-parks other than those operated by their servants or agents. The Club will accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused to any property other than that arising from the negligent use of a ride-on buggy by their servants or agents.
* Ride-on buggies shall be used only when the course is open for play and when the golf course is deemed safe enough to operate a ride on buggy, risk assessments will take place.
* Ride on buggies if asked to do so by the Professional Shop must stick to areas that are deemed acceptable to ride on.
* During winter conditions, all golfers must follow the buggy route provided by the Director of Golf. All buggies must stay on the buggy route when requested and walk at 90 degrees to their golf ball.
* In the event that certain areas of the course are deemed unsafe, buggies can only operate on the route and holes deemed safe enough by the Director of Golf on behalf of the Golf Club.
* Ride-on buggies must be operated in compliance with the common Rules of the Road regardless of whether ride-on buggies are operated on pavements or roadways.
* Operators must stop the buggy at blind intersections and proceed with caution.
The Director of Golf has the authority to immediately prohibit any individual from using or being carried on a ride–on buggy should any buggy rules and routes be ignored. Application for reinstatement of permission can only be made to the Director of Golf.
During time where we have inclement weather conditions that deem the course to be considered extremely wet, a risk assessment will be carried out by the Head of Greens and Director of Golf to determine suitability for buggies with copies stored within the Professional Shop.